1. Use a Vibrator
Um, there are still people who don't own one? Women! Get on the vibratory train — if you're not comfortable taking care of business alone, go ahead and involve your partner. I assure you that no straight man will ever say no to that kind of solo show.
Um, there are still people who don't own one? Women! Get on the vibratory train — if you're not comfortable taking care of business alone, go ahead and involve your partner. I assure you that no straight man will ever say no to that kind of solo show.
2. Be Tied Up/Tie Someone Up
Don't go pansy when it comes to the up. Tie like you MEAN IT. Don't simply decorate your partners wrists with a tie wrapped around several times, GET IN THERE with some serious hog-tying skills (with soft fabrics and materials of course, unless rope burn is your thing, in that case - you're on your own.) A blindfold in this situation helps calm nerves. Trust me.

3. The Mile-High Club
Unless you're on a private jet with something comfortable to work with, don't even bother. I haven't ever met an airline restroom that left me feeling even the slightest bit s-3xXy, not to mention it's hard enough to maneuver my body alone in one. This is one fantasy I've never understood (at least on a commercial airline.) I'll start my own club, People-Who-Respect-Not-Being-Jammed-Against-A-Door-When-Having-S-3xX Club.
4. Learn to Give Yourself Multiple Orgasms
Look, I've never been a multiple kind of gal, I'm all about quality over quantity. Plus, after learning there are women who are completely and physically unable to 0rgasm, I'll take what I can get. (However, if you're able to pop off five or six a session, more power to you.)
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